
Usage of DirectX Shader Compiler


  • Repository
  • Prerequisites
    • ATL
    • .Net Framework 4.5


Common Options

Common Options
-help Display available options
-nologo Suppress copyright message
-Qunused-arguments Don't emit warning for unused driver arguments

Compilation Options

Compilation Options
-all-resources-bound Enables agressive flattening
-auto-binding-space <value> Set auto binding space - enables auto resource binding in libraries
-Cc Output color coded assembly listings
-default-linkage <value> Set default linkage for non-shader functions when compiling or linking to a library target (internal, external)
-denorm <value> select denormal value options (any, preserve, ftz). any is the default.
-D <value> Define macro
-enable-16bit-types Enable 16bit types and disable min precision types. Available in HLSL 2018 and shader model 6.2
-encoding <value> Set default encoding for text outputs (utf8
-export-shaders-only Only export shaders when compiling a library
-exports <value> Specify exports when compiling a library: export1[[,export1_clone,...]=internal_name][;...]
-E <value> Entry point name
-Fc <file> Output assembly code listing file
-fdiagnostics-show-option Print option name with mappable diagnostics
-Fd <file> Write debug information to the given file, or automatically named file in directory when ending in ''
-Fe <file> Output warnings and errors to the given file
-Fh <file> Output header file containing object code
-flegacy-macro-expansion Expand the operands before performing token-pasting operation (fxc behavior)
-flegacy-resource-reservation Reserve unused explicit register assignments for compatibility with shader model 5.0 and below
-fno-diagnostics-show-option Do not print option name with mappable diagnostics
-force-rootsig-ver <profile> force root signature version (rootsig_1_1 if omitted)
-Fo <file> Output object file
-Fre <file> Output reflection to the given file
-Frs <file> Output root signature to the given file
-Fsh <file> Output shader hash to the given file
-Gec Enable backward compatibility mode
-Ges Enable strict mode
-Gfa Avoid flow control constructs
-Gfp Prefer flow control constructs
-Gis Force IEEE strictness
-HV <value> HLSL version (2016, 2017, 2018). Default is 2018
-H Show header includes and nesting depth
-ignore-line-directives Ignore line directives
-I <value> Add directory to include search path
-Lx Output hexadecimal literals
-Ni Output instruction numbers in assembly listings
-no-legacy-cbuf-layout Do not use legacy cbuffer load
-no-warnings Suppress warnings
-No Output instruction byte offsets in assembly listings
-Odump Print the optimizer commands.
-Od Disable optimizations
-pack-optimized Optimize signature packing assuming identical signature provided for each connecting stage
-pack-prefix-stable (default) Pack signatures preserving prefix-stable property - appended elements will not disturb placement of prior elements
-recompile recompile from DXIL container with Debug Info or Debug Info bitcode file
-res-may-alias Assume that UAVs/SRVs may alias
-rootsig-define <value> Read root signature from a #define
-T <profile> Set target profile.
ps_6_0, ps_6_1, ps_6_2, ps_6_3, ps_6_4, ps_6_5,
vs_6_0, vs_6_1, vs_6_2, vs_6_3, vs_6_4, vs_6_5,
gs_6_0, gs_6_1, gs_6_2, gs_6_3, gs_6_4, gs_6_5,
hs_6_0, hs_6_1, hs_6_2, hs_6_3, hs_6_4, hs_6_5,
ds_6_0, ds_6_1, ds_6_2, ds_6_3, ds_6_4, ds_6_5,
cs_6_0, cs_6_1, cs_6_2, cs_6_3, cs_6_4, cs_6_5,
lib_6_1, lib_6_2, lib_6_3, lib_6_4, lib_6_5,
-Vd Disable validation
-Vi Display details about the include process.
-Vn <name> Use <name> as variable name in header file
-WX Treat warnings as errors
-Zi Enable debug information
-Zpc Pack matrices in column-major order
-Zpr Pack matrices in row-major order
-Zsb Compute Shader Hash considering only output binary
-Zss Compute Shader Hash considering source information

Optimization Options

Optimization Options
-O0 Optimization Level 0
-O1 Optimization Level 1
-O2 Optimization Level 2
-O3 Optimization Level 3 (Default)

Rewriter Options

Rewriter Options
-extract-entry-uniforms Move uniform parameters from entry point to global scope
-global-extern-by-default Set extern on non-static globals
-keep-user-macro Write out user defines after rewritten HLSL
-line-directive Add line directive
-remove-unused-functions Remove unused functions and types
-remove-unused-globals Remove unused static globals and functions
-skip-fn-body Translate function definitions to declarations
-skip-static Remove static functions and globals when used with -skip-fn-body
-unchanged Rewrite HLSL, without changes.

SPIR-V CodeGen Options

SPIR-V CodeGen Options
-fspv-debug=<value> Specify whitelist of debug info category (file -> source -> line, tool)
-fspv-extension=<value> Specify SPIR-V extension permitted to use
-fspv-flatten-resource-arrays Flatten arrays of resources so each array element takes one binding number
-fspv-reflect Emit additional SPIR-V instructions to aid reflection
-fspv-target-env=<value> Specify the target environment: vulkan1.0 (default) or vulkan1.1
-fvk-auto-shift-bindings Apply fvk-*-shift to resources without an explicit register assignment.
-fvk-b-shift <shift> <space> Specify Vulkan binding number shift for b-type register
-fvk-bind-globals <binding> <set> Specify Vulkan binding number and set number for the $Globals cbuffer
-fvk-bind-register <type-number> <space> <binding> <set> Specify Vulkan descriptor set and binding for a specific register
-fvk-invert-y Negate SV_Position.y before writing to stage output in VS/DS/GS to accommodate Vulkan's coordinate system
-fvk-s-shift <shift> <space> Specify Vulkan binding number shift for s-type register
-fvk-t-shift <shift> <space> Specify Vulkan binding number shift for t-type register
-fvk-u-shift <shift> <space> Specify Vulkan binding number shift for u-type register
-fvk-use-dx-layout Use DirectX memory layout for Vulkan resources
-fvk-use-dx-position-w Reciprocate SV_Position.w after reading from stage input in PS to accommodate the difference between Vulkan and DirectX
-fvk-use-gl-layout Use strict OpenGL std140/std430 memory layout for Vulkan resources
-fvk-use-scalar-layout Use scalar memory layout for Vulkan resources
-Oconfig=<value> Specify a comma-separated list of SPIRV-Tools passes to customize optimization configuration (see http://khr.io/hlsl2spirv#optimization)
-spirv Generate SPIR-V code

Utility Options

Utility Options
-dumpbin Load a binary file rather than compiling
-extractrootsignature Extract root signature from shader bytecode (must be used with /Fo <file>)
-getprivate <file> Save private data from shader blob
-P <value> Preprocess to file (must be used alone)
-Qembed_debug Embed PDB in shader container (must be used with /Zi)
-Qstrip_debug Strip debug information from 4_0+ shader bytecode (must be used with /Fo <file>)
-Qstrip_priv Strip private data from shader bytecode (must be used with /Fo <file>)
-Qstrip_reflect Strip reflection data from shader bytecode (must be used with /Fo <file>)
-Qstrip_rootsignature Strip root signature data from shader bytecode (must be used with /Fo <file>)
-setprivate <file> Private data to add to compiled shader blob
-setrootsignature <file> Attach root signature to shader bytecode
-verifyrootsignature <file> Verify shader bytecode with root signature

Warning Options

Warning Options
-W[no-]<warning> Enable/Disable the specified warning

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